Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom History

Incredible History of Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom –
Great History
The Kutai Kingdom is the Hindu Kingdom in the Archipelago which is the earliest historical evidence kingdom in Indonesia. The Kutai Kingdom is estimated founded from the 4th Century (around 400 C.E) which the existence of the Kutai Kingdom was found the 7 Yupa Shaped Inscriptions Pillar in Muara Kaman, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The Kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, specifically at the upper reaches of the Mahakam River. The name ‘Kutai’ in the language of Pallava inscriptions of Hindu means “A gift to the Brahmin Priests”. The inscriptions had been found to indicate the existence of the kingdom from the plinths were built at the 4th Century. These religion’s culture were brought to Indonesia around 2nd or 4th centuries with respectively when the Indian traders arrived the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi.
The history of the kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman originated from the government of the state Sagara Pravatam Sadiva Malaya which in the 1st century and led by The Tahani during the reign of Maharaj Sri Kudungga Kingdom and it became a state by the name of the kingdom of Kutai Martapura so that in 1635 until the year 2001 state power in the Grasp Colonial until Sovereignty returns with the name, the Kerajaan Kutai Mulawarman and recorded 50 kings of religion until now.
There is very limited information in the past. A lots of various sources of historical writings is obtained and research evidence is still being conducted by the Government of Indonesia.
The era of the Kutai Martadipura Kingdom began during the reign of King Mulawarman in the 4th century. It expands in the town of Muara Kaman, along the Mahakam River and ruled by Raja Mulawarman, the population lived well and they felt at peace. In the 13th century, there was Kebataraan (Vasal Majapahit Kingdom) or under the Majapahit Kingdom, Led by Raden Koesuma, held the Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti (as Batara Kartanegara in Tanjung Kute) and became a kingdom under the kingdom in Banjar until the colonial VOC that changed the Principality of the Sacred Lord. Kutai Kartanegara became the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura, and the name of the first Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris.
Then after the Colonial VOC’s power ceased to exist and Indonesia became independent
Then the Royal Government was revived by preserving each other’s cultural traditions.
In 2001 the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony (MUARA KAMAN CERAU) Maharaja Srinala Praditha Wangsawarman (A.Iansyahrechza.F) Occupied Tahtha Maharaja in the Kutai Mulawarman Sovereign Kingdom of Customary Law centered at Muara Kaman.
The Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara conducted an ERAU Traditional Ceremony on September 28, 2001, appointed a Sultan named Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehudin II, based in Tenggarong.
Culture of the Kingdom of Kutai Back to each heir and to its central region to develop the culture of the archipelago.
kutai will be known in India kutai originated from Magadha India
Emperor Sungga of India is to bring down King Kutai
The Declaration Below Is A Series Of Various Notes And Information From Strengthened Sources Authorized On March 27, 2011 By Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, Prime Minister And Mangkubumi In The Word To The Kutai Raya Universe Dated, October 20, 2011 In The History Of Kutai Loaded Date, August 3, 2011 By Secretary General of the Indonesian Kutai Tribe Legalized by Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, August 5, 2011 Listed in the Appendix Retracing the History of the Significant Lineage in Turpa Yogini Kalpa Date, 3 September 2001, and the Return of Managing Customary Life and the Cultural Heritage of the Kutai Kingdom Date, November 2, 2010 Tenggarong District Court Legal Partnership, 11 June 2012 No.W18-U4 / III / HK.02.1 / VI / 2012 Signed by Handling Panitra / Secretary H.Iman Hayadi.SH. NIP 19630913 198503 1 008 And Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman was approved.
Starting from the Shunga Empire in power from 185 BCE-73 BCE the Shunga Empire (Sanskrit: Or Sunga was the Magadha Dynasty which ruled Central and Eastern North India. Sunga was founded after the collapse of the Mauryan dynasty. The capital of Sunga was the Pataliputra. Sunga was replaced by the dynasty of Magadha in Central and Eastern India. Kanva Around 73 BCE In Tambo History of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, the Kings of the Sunga Empire would become kings and build the Warman Dynasty (Wamsawarman) or Warman Dynasty, the Gods of the Archipelago, Related to this Genealogy during the Mauryan Dynasty in the Government of Sri Maharaja Bhrihadrata in The Kingdom of Maghada, the capital of Dipetaliputra in India, who fought with the Mahasenopathy Pusyamitra who founded the Sunga Dynasty who gave birth to the Maharaja Agnimitra Building the City of Wisida and her descendants Named Wasuma Partner of Childbirth, the Mitroga who spearheaded Atwanga who gave birth to the Sunga Dynasty and gave birth to the Kings of Agnimitra Building the City of Wisida and her descendants named Wasuma In Magada Where Is Below That Mahasenopathy Pusyamitra Lose Kings in the Archipelago. Starting with Emperor Pusyamitra Sunga (185-149 BCE), Agnimitra (149-141 BCE) Vasujyeshtha (141-131 BCE), Vasumitra (131-112 BCE), Andhraka (124-120 BCE), Pulindaka (122-111 BCE), Ghosha (?), Vajramitra (?), Bhagabhadra (?), Devabhuti (83-73 BC) Who gave birth to Mitroga.
Emperor Sunga Has A Descendent Named Mitrogga Giving Birth Atwangga Wife to Embrace Big Brother From King Dewawarman VII Who Gave Birth:
1. Radjendra (Radjendrawarman)
Becoming King in Campa (Cambodia).
2. Kudungga (Maharaja Sri Kudungga)
Become the King of Naladwiva
3. Putri Spatikarnawa
Married King of Salakanegara
Dewawarman VIII Sundapurwa
(Formerly West Java Become Banten).
The Kingdom of Sagara Led by a King Men Called Resistant Or the First King Is Tan Pihatu Daughter of a Princess Named Puan Hold, In the Story of Neroyong Tan Pihatu The Sagara Kingdom was Assisted by a Man named Samburakai Minak (Minak) in Old Kutai Language Means Grandma or Father From Father or Father or Father from Mother), and the State Named Tabala Riung or Tanah Bumbung Ratu, (Tebala Riung’s name according to the Neroyong Kutai story is the beautiful thickness of the temple now across the mouth of Kaman) This country is described in the Kutai Neroyong which is often told in the future with the future The title of Ratu Bumbung Land in the Story of Building the Sagara Power Land Complete with a Palace Called the Riung Hall Complete with Senopati and Hulubalang and According to Pelas Tanah that the descendants of Tan Pihatu will later marry the Royal Authority of Li Yi The descendants of Emperor Punan is a trade envoy named Ga Dong Ga who received the a young man named Keling (or Keling)) A young man pliers to claim a son of Suryalaya (Sun God) by the name Wangsekerta This name came to be known as Maharaja Sri Acwawarman who was a descendant of Barata’s son who became king in Salakanegara in Tanjung Tanah Sundapurwa. As for the Kings in Kutai in Neroyong including:
1. Tan Minak Samburakai, the son of Tan Mampi.
2. Tan Mampi Married with Puan Tahani Giving birth to a child named Tan Pihatu.
3. Tan Pihatu married to Puan Putri Tumbau has a son named Tan Meretam.
4. Tan Meretam has a child named Tan Tembayat.
5. Tan Tembayat has a son named Tan Seredang.
6. Tan Seredang Has a Named Daughter
Puan Gamboh Eyebrow Princess Gabok married by sister
King Cam Named Cri Ga Dong Ga (Maharaja Sri Kudungga).
Notes on the Title of Tan Title in Malay Nobles
What Is Interpreted as Tan Is a Master Is a Title
Very Honored to the King and to the Queen or Princess
And Applies To Heredity.
We went to Indonesia in the 3rd century AD for thousands of years leaving India.
MAHARAJA ACWAWARMAN Son of King Salakanegara Dewawarman VIII Prabu Dhrmawirya Dewawarman Salakabhuwana Wife with Spatikarnawa Princess Wife:
1. Mahaputri Dewi Minawati Holds Iswari Tunggal Pertiwi Warmandewi married to Maharesi from Wamsa Salankayana in Bharata Raja Tarumanegara I Holds Maharaja Jaya Singawarman Raja Diraja Guru Darmapurusa Ruled from 358-382 AD in the Capital of Singgapura Between Kerawang Bekasi Now, Who Has a Child Maharaja Rajaresi Dhaya Raja Tarumanegara II Governing the Year 382-395 AD, Childbirth Maharaja Purnawarman Raja Tarumanegara III. Governing From 395-434 AD
Note: Brother Maharaja Purnawarman One Mother:
– Mahadewi Harinawarmandewi Has a Husband with Rich Traders.
– Candrawarman Becomes Ambassador of Tarumanegara Kingdom in China.
As for Other Sister, Among Others:
– The Gajahwarman Becomes Ambassador of Tarumanegara Kingdom in Sumatra
– The Padmawarman Ambassador of Tarumanegara Kingdom in Sri Lanka
– The Barunawarman became Minister of the Tarumanegara Sea Commander
– The Sukretawarman Becomes Judge of the Tarumanegara Kingdom.
2. Maharaja Acwawarman
Wangsekerta degree who married Maharaja Sri Kudungga’s son
Named Mahasuri Dewi Gari gave birth to 3 sons and Dan
Becoming Kings – Write History On Yupa Inscription.
3. Mahaputri Dewi Indari
Married the Maharesi Santanu who built a
Village on the banks of the Cirebon River, the name Indraprahasta was given.
Mount Cereme, which stands near its area, is named
Indrakila And Cirebon River That Passed Through Its Region Was Given
The name Gang-Ganadi.
Note: The Indraprahasta Kingdom Later Developed into a Big Kingdom. Maharesi Santanu Becomes His First King With the Title of Indraswara Sakala Kretabuwana.
Jayasatyanagara Becomes Successor to Maharesi Santanu in the Kingdom of Indraprasta. Which Jayasatyanagara Becomes the Second King of Indraprahasta He Is the Firstborn of the Empress Indari.
Then in the Genealogy He is also the niece of Empress King Tarumanegara I and also the nephew of Maharaja Acwawarman Maharaja Kutai who was the daughter-in-law of Sri Kudungga in Ratnadwipa (Kalimantan), because of the power of Purnawarman Maharaja Raja Tarumanagara III.
This History Then Built the Pakungwati Palace and the Kutai People Then Through the Indraprahasta Kingdom, the Kingdoms were Established in Central Java and West Java and Banten and the Kutai People were Recognized Using Ngapak Language.
Note: That Dewawarman VII Brothers Dengna Gopala Jayengrana and Putri Gandhari Lengkaradewi Dewawarman VI’s Children Married to Princess Bharatanagari, Dewawarman VII Wife of a Woman Named Princess Candralocana This Will Later Reduce the Kings of Dipagaruyung Sumatra and the Malay Kings in Jambi and the Kings of Jambi Malay in Jambi and Malay in Jambi and Malay Malaysia are the islands of the Malay Islands.
Note: Maharaja Diradja Jayawarman Married to King Sriwidjaya’s Princess Maharaja Sri Cudamanivarmadeva in Siguntang Mahameru in Sumatra became the king there. With the title of Maharaja Sri Maravijayottungga.
Then in the Genealogy He is also the niece of Empress King Tarumanegara I and also the nephew of Maharaja Acwawarman Maharaja Kutai who was the daughter-in-law of Sri Kudungga in Ratnadwipa (Kalimantan), because of the power of Purnawarman Maharaja Raja Tarumanagara III.
This History Then Built the Pakungwati Palace and the Kutai People Then Through the Indraprahasta Kingdom, the Kingdoms were Established in Central Java and West Java and Banten and the Kutai People were Recognized Using Ngapak Language.
Note: That Dewawarman VII Brothers Dengna Gopala Jayengrana and Putri Gandhari Lengkaradewi Dewawarman VI’s Children Married to Princess Bharatanagari, Dewawarman VII Wife of a Woman Named Princess Candralocana This Will Later Reduce the Kings of Dipagaruyung Sumatra and the Malay Kings in Jambi and the Kings of Jambi Malay in Jambi and Malay in Jambi and Malay Malaysia are the islands of the Malay Islands.
Note: Maharaja Diradja Jayawarman Married to King Sriwidjaya’s Princess Maharaja Sri Cudamanivarmadeva in Siguntang Mahameru in Sumatra became the king there. With the title of Maharaja Sri Maravijayottungga.
During the reign of MAHARAJA CENDRA WARMAN GOD 972-1020 AD, who gave birth to Maharaja Prabu Mula Tunggal Dewa ruled Kutai in Martapura, from (1020-1069 AD).
Childbirth Among Other:
– Maharaja Nala Indra Dewa, who gave birth to Aji Putri Pidara Putih who later became Maharatu Kutai in Martapura with the title of Maharatu Mayang Mulawarni who fought with the Prince of China from the Thai Nation due to differences in tatakerama (Traditional Custom).
– Mahaputri Nilaperkastiawati Dewi married by King Pakwan Padjajaran Named Hing Milled Wesi, who held King Wisnu Dewata Murti in 1030 AD.
– Maharaja Indra Mulia Tunggawarman Dewa Becomes Kutai King in Martapura. And History of Maharaja Nala’s Reign Indra Indra Reigned From 1069-1117 AD And Was Replaced By His Daughter Maharatu Mayang Mulawarni Reigned (1117-1166), And Was Replaced By Maharaja’s younger brother Indra Mulia Tunggawarman Dewa From Years (1166-1214 AD) As For His Son Among Others:
– Maharaja Srilangka Dewa Becomes King of Kutai in Martapura Muara Kaman Gives Birth to Maharaja To Perana Tungga Becomes King of Kutai in Martapura. And Adinda A Princess Named Mahaputri Natadewi Kencanapuri Wife by Ape Bongan Tana Alias Sangkariak Kebon Putra Gah Bongan And His Wife Gah Bonggek Is the Son of the King of the Dayak Bongan Benuaq Isui at the Ohong River Cross where the King is named Hirong Soga Tana Who will have a grandson named Pati or a Pati Aji Tulur Appointed by Sangkariak Kebon, Founder of Karang Sari Pinang Sentawar Kingdom in Melak Unites Benuaq and Tunjung.
– Panji Sengi who married Surak Daughter from Indu Anjat who lives in Dilamin Juno in Batang Lunang (Perian) area to become Duke of There and gave birth to a child named Seranding Dipati I, and married to a Malay King child named Puan Metam Siblings Upstream Village Named Babu Jaluma, Giving Birth to Serati II and Giving Birth to Children with Seranding Name Dipati I, and Wives with Malay King Children Named Puan Metam Siblings Upstream Village Named Babu Jaluma, Giving Birth to Serati Dipati II The Pula brothers and Princess Karang Melenu who were adopted by children from the Upper Hulu Babu Jaluma Hamlet.
Maharaja To Perana Tungga Ascended The Throne At Kutai Martapura In The Year (1265-1325 AD) The Childbirth Of Among Others:
– Tan Reniq Held Maharaja Widjaya Warman Ruling Kutai in Martapura from the Year (1337-1373 AD) Because of the Seizure of Violence, the Kutai Kingdom in Martapura was held by the Naladuta Council from 1325-1337) and Tan Reniq was mature and became the King of Kutai in Martapura which gave birth to the kingdom of Kutai in Martapura. Maharaja Indra Mulia ruled from the year (1373-1407 AD) who headed to the Majapahit Kingdom with a group by ship.
– Mahadewi Randayan Flower Married to Dragon Salik Alias Kemo Bengko Raja Larak Kota (Rantau Batu Gonali) Children of the Suma Residents. And for Mahadewi Randayan Marriage Flower with a Dragon Salik Alias Kemo Bengko Raja Larak City This is what gave birth to Muk Bandar Bulan that was married by Geregas Pati Alias.
Mahaputri Indra Perwati Dewi, who received the title of His Majesty or Empress, was banned for living in the kingdom of mengkaying. This Has Occurred the Struggle of Violence Delivered by the Board of Nala Ambassadors to Hold Government in the Kingdom of Kutai The Capital in Martapura Muara Kaman Maintains That Mahaputri Indra Perwati Dewi Is Not Entitled to the Throne of the Kutai Kingdom in Martapura Who Does Not Want to Subordinate to the Majapahit Kingdom So that the Kingdom of Kutai in Martapura Recognized by the Majapahit Kingdom.
Maharaja Nala Praditha Gives Birth to Maharaja Indra Parutha Who Moves Among Others: 1. Maharaja Dermasetiya. 2. Maharaja Setiya Guna. 3. Setiya Yuda Becomes King of Kutai in Martapura Muara Kaman Last 4. Panji Wening Pati Who Wives Cindurmata’s Daughter, Son of Galuh’s King (West Java). A Battle With The VOC Happened In 1635 AD And Its Great Men Consisted Of: Prime Minister Ujung Nali. Commander of the Minister Sri Tama. Maham Minister Puan Ajang (People from the State of Serajang). Minister Ngabehi Cacu. Mangkubumi Ki Narang Baya.
Based on the Strength of Customary Rights History So It Is Kaseh Happy Mendaulat..
H.R.M. Prof. Dr. Hc. MSPA. Iansyahrechza. FW Ph.D.
Born in Muara Kaman, July 14 1974. He has a Dream: When the time is set by GOD. SWT will become a leader of the country and only does not want to follow in the footsteps of the elected leader but is elected as a true leader who only focus to the fate of the people that I have seen so far suffering from poverty, being fooled.
All always provide support and enthusiasm to Devote Himself to (NKRI) especially to the country and The Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman as the First Nusantara Kingdom.
Adolescence and Adult
Educational history SD.003, MTs Miftahul Jannah Muara Kaman and Mulawarman High School in Muara Kaman Studying at Sunan Giri University, Sidoarjo, East Java. Maturity and the woman who becomes the wife (Maharatu) at this time:
Maharatu Srinila Karmila Perkastiawati Dewi, married in 2005.
Son and daughters :
1. H.R.M. Maharaja Muda Nala Indra vachrucha Dilaya.
Rides Jenang Sri Raja – October 24, 2010
Riding the Viceroy King – December 27, 2017
2. H.R.H, Maharatu Muda Mayang Mulawarni Pertiwi
3. H.R.H. Maharatu Muda Wazra Fadmi
Early becomes Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman continuing inherited Bedarsar Testament and inheritance Rituals of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman Lineage described in the Line of Purus Nursing.
The challenge at the beginning of serving Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman certainly many of the challenges came from those who did not like the reappearance of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman which had been wiped out from the history more than 100 years but it doesn’t make us weak but strong because of no one will change the God’s Will.
The Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman is exist but only most of them don’t know because of the relatives are sacred rituals to each family such as Aer, Bedudus, Pelas Tahun, Pelas Tanah, Pelas and using spells indeed in spells indeed purus lines of reconciliation are still there are royal laws still held and recognized in the family such as the Family of the Nala, Wangsa, Perana, Martha, Wira, Mas, Pati, etc.
However these obstacles must be patient Not Arrogant and Always Appreciate all gifts and make works benefit to the Common Interest which building Kindship and Nation. Because there are 4 characters of Maharaja 1. Be Rama (Father) 2. Be Receipt (Teacher) 3. Is the Queen (Leader) 4. Is the Knight (Hero), then the 4 siapat united will be a powerful force to deal with all things.
Risks that have been taken to overcome obstacles certainly sacrifice time and sacrifice personal assets for the interests of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman. Any event that forms the character of a king is getting stronger: Spiritual, Ritual and Sacred and Ceremonial Journey Is a Perestiwa that can form good character through activities wherever we can come in contact with the relationship of Love, God, Land, Water, Space and the Universe. The so-called Qu’ran Nur Qarim. If in Hina did not replied, treat the enemy as a human being so that he can humanize himself so that he changes his style and lifestyle before and after.
Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman must know and learn the contents of the Kalpa (Kingdom Law) which conjuntion to the 9 Kalpa Kingdoms of Kutai Mulawarman and do nothings without Kalpa Values. There is no psychological impact to his wife and childrens after becoming a Maharaja, because of the sincerity to everything goes with time will be beautiful for the community.
When the times is hard, there are always keep to gives encouragement and support from Family, Relatives and all Royal Family Members of Kerajaan Kutai Mulawarman and friends of Kingdom. The most influence from the Great Maharatu and the Great Queen Mother who gave more Shadyness and Warmth to the Soul, Vision and Mission look forward: Building the Nation’s Superior Character and a Strong Nation with Making Peace to the World.
Statement of his majesty
No one in this world can please anyone completely because when the lamp burns, the darkness becomes angry. By the way, man is not happy with the Almighty God either. I am the Majesty king of only one country.
Akanksha SAXENA : Your Excellency, do you miss India?
Maharaja kutai Mulawarman :
Of course, I miss India a lot. India has been the work place of my ancestors.
You are great, as if the gold pearl in the silver oyster…….!
-Blogger Akanksha SAXENA
Great & Congratutions
Secretary-General of the International National Union for Love and Peace in Jordan