इंटरव्यू दस्तक : मुस्कुराहट के पर्याय बने “दुर्गादास”


            Mr. Durga Das

Laughter Ambassador, vice President-Delhi laughter club, Best Indian Happiness coach,

         Personality trainer, speaker,                         Naturopath&Social worker.

” मैने संघर्ष नही किया क्योंकि मैं मुस्कुराता रहा”

नमस्ते दोस्तों, 

    आप जानते ही होगें कि आज पूरा विश्व भारतीय जीवन की सकारात्मक स्वास्थ्य शैली योगा को आत्मसात् कर चुका है | इसमें कोई शक नही कि योगा तन-मन को स्वस्थ्य और सुन्दर बनाता है और हर तरह के तनाव को मिटा देता है | आज हम बात कर रहे कि हास्य योगा यानि लॉफ्टर योगा की | लॉफ्टर योगा एक सकारात्मक ऊर्जा है जो व्यक्ति को प्रेम से जुड़ना सिखाती है | यह एक ऐसी दिव्य ऊर्जा है जो विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी व्यक्ति को सामान्य प्रसन्नचित् रखती है | विज्ञान की भाषा में कहें तो लॉफ्टर योगा करने वाले व्यक्ति के मस्तिष्क में एंडोरफिन नामक रसायन उत्पन्न होता है जो आपका स्वभाव, व्यवहार मधुर और खुश बनाये रखने में सहयोगी सिद्ध होता

है | लॉफ्टर योगा ने तो देश- दुनिया के बच्चे से लेकर बुजुर्ग तक को मुस्कुराहट की आहट में मानो संजो लिया है | जो बुजुर्ग घर में चुपचाप लेटे रहते थे आज पर लाफ्टर क्लबों में जाकर दिल खोल कर हँसते हैं और अपने जीवन के अंतिम पड़ाव में भी जवाँ नजर आ रहे हैं | हर बुजुर्ग खुश है यही लाफ्टर योगा की पहिचान है|

  तो, आइये आपको रूबरू करवाते हैं ऐसे ही चर्चित शख्शियत से जिनको सभी लॉफ्टर योगा गुरू भी कहते हैं | जिन्होने अपना पूरा जीवन समाज और राष्ट्र को कुछ देने में लोगों को “खुशियाँ बाँटने” में समर्पित कर दिया | उन सम्माननीय शख्शियत का नाम है

 “दुर्गा दास” जी |

दुर्गा दास जी ब्लॉग ‘समाज और हम’ में आपका ससम्मान स्वागत है |

आकांक्षा – नमस्ते सर! आपका पूरा नाम क्या

है ?

  – नमस्ते ! मेरा पूरा नाम दुर्गा दास है |

आकांक्षा – आपका जन्म स्थान कहाँ है ?

दुर्गादास- मेरा जन्म स्थान नई दिल्ली है |

आकांक्षा- आपने कहाँ तक शिक्षा प्राप्त की है?

दुर्गादास- मैंने बी.ए

(इकॉनोमिक्स और कॉमर्स ) दिल्ली से किया |

आकांक्षा- आपने लॉफ्टर योगा की शुरूवात कैसे की ?

दुर्गादास- यह शुरूवात एक महान व्यक्तित्व डा.उमेश सहगल डेन्टल सर्जन मुम्बई से यह कॉन्सेप्ट 2001 लेकर आये और मेरे दोस्त ओ.पी चोपड़ा ने जब ये कॉन्सेप्ट मुझे बताया तो मुझे बहुत पसंद आया | फिर, लॉफ्टर योगा की यह यात्रा दिल्ली के लॉफ्टर क्लब से 2009 में एक साधारण सदस्य बनकर शुरू हुई और आज इस क्लब का उप निदेशक तौर पर नियुक्त हूँ | इससे भी बड़ी बात की मैं बहुत लोगों के दिलों के करीब हूँ |

आकांक्षा- आपके लॉफ्टर क्लब का उद्देश्य क्या है?

दुर्गादास- हमारा एक ही उद्देश्य है कि समाज को हँसमुख बनाना | हर व्यक्ति स्वस्थ्य, निरोगी, ऊर्जावान और तनावमुक्त हो |

आकांक्षा- लॉफ्टर योगा के क्या फायदें हैं कृपया बतायें?

दुर्गादास- लॉफ्टर योगा एक एरोबिक व्यायाम (कॉर्डियो वर्कआउट) है जो मस्तिष्क और शरीर को अधिक ऑक्सीजन देकर उन्हे तरो ताजा रखता है | इसके फायदे ही हैं जैसे कि यह हम सभी के इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाता है जिससे कि हृदय रोग, उच्च रक्तचाप, डिप्रेशन, अर्थराइटिस, कमरदर्द, फ्राईब्रोमाइलगिया, माईग्रेन, सिरदर्द और कैंसर जैसी लाईलाज बीमारियों को होने से बचाता है और जिसको हैं उनको ठीक करने में भी मददगार साबित होता है |

आकांक्षा- आपके जीवन का क्या संघर्ष रहा?

दुर्गादास- मैंने जीवन में कोई संघर्ष नही किया क्योंकि मैं मुस्कुराता रहा |

आकांक्षा- आपका सपना क्या है?

दुर्गादास- मेरा सपना है खुद का लॉफ्टर क्लब हो जिसका नाम डीडी 16 लॉफ्टर क्लब रखूँ |

इस नाम का मतलब है ..

“Laughter club is a journey from 60 to sweat 16”.

आकांक्षा- आपके सामाजिक कार्य कौन-कौन से हैं ?

दुर्गादास-  पूरे देश -दुनिया में लॉफ्टर योगा को प्रमोट करना, हर शहर में जाकर नई-नई लॉफ्टर क्लॉसेज खोलना, मैं अभी तक 40 लॉफ्टर क्लॉसेज खोल चुका हूँ | मैं कई एनजीओ को भी सपोर्ट कर रहा हूँ | मेरा जीवन समाज और राष्ट्र की सेवा में समर्पित है जो मैं अपने देश के लोगों के चेहरे पर मुस्कॉन बिखेरता रहूँ बस |

आकांक्षा- आपके जीवन की सफलता का श्रेय किसे देना चाहेगें?

दुर्गादास – मैं एक पारिवारिक, व्यवहारिक और सामाजिक व्यक्ति हूँ और आज जो कुछ भी हूँ अपनी फैमली और सभी शुभचिंतकों के सहयोग से हूँ |

आकांक्षा- खुद को एक लाईन में कैसे परिभाषित करेगें?

दुर्गादास- मैं एक हँसमुख रियल लॉफ्टेरियन हूँ |

आकांक्षा- आप देश के युवाओं को क्या संदेश देना चाहेगें?

दुर्गादास- स्वस्थ्य रहें खुश रहें अपने बुजुर्ग माता-पिता का सम्मान करें उन्हें समय दें | समाज और देशहित में हमेशा अच्छे कार्य

करें |

सर आपने अपना कीमती समय हमारे ब्लॉग को दिया इसके लिये आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद |

कवरेज :

ब्लॉगर आकांक्षा सक्सेना

न्यूज ऐडीटर सच की दस्तक नेशनल मैग्जीन, वाराणसी

Durga Dass: A Journey with a Difference

The ACTION PLAN of my life is attuned to two features :

1.   God is love, Love is God.

2.   Life is service, Service is Life.

This led me to explore the natural and brighter side of being human and it gradually merged in my personality. I strongly believe in the charm and fascination in :

Keep Smiling

Be Happy and keep others Happy.

Help Ever Hurt Never.

Always make the other person feel important

I started my career in Secretarial services in 1970 and after 5 years experience, joined Engineers India Limited, a Govt. of India Undertaking on 12.01.1976.

On the sideline of career, I developed keen interest in organizing competitive events for my organization. ‘Carom’ attracted my fascination. It is a game of concentration, focus and control of physical and mental faculties. This enabled me to pursue many social activities later in my career and life. Organizing and providing relief work in natural calamities, taking trekking expeditions to mountain trains for young and old became part of sideline activity. Visits to religious places inculcated humility in me and helping attitude towards the destitute and needy.

There was once a lean patch in my life but instead of brooding over the events I faced it as a challenger. One of my friend introduced me to a unique form of ‘being happy’ and I joined a Group of laughtarians. I got involved with base branch of, ‘Delhi Laughter Club’ at Rohini, The activities led me to rejuvenate my morose life style so much so that I made up mind promote laughter therapy for the society and to make it peaceful, healthy and better.

My important contribution/events in my life from Laughter to other activities:

I was given the responsibility as Promoter/Coordinator by Delhi Laughter Club (Regd.) and started laughter promotion from Sept. 2009.

In due course I became a passionate laughtarian after studying its impact on body and mind and on overall health due to positive developments in hormones. It is no secret that I am a crazy about laughter and is working in this field as a dedicated soldier. I had given more than 100 laughter demos and about 35-40 classes were opened with my personal efforts.

Initially, I was an Executive Member but considering my involvement for laughter promotion, I was given the responsibility as Joint Secretary. First Session was started in New Moti Nagar and East Punjabi Bagh (Dhingra Park) on 15.11.2009 and 06.12.2009 respectively.

I opened laughter class in Engineers India Limited on 24.03.2011 and still going on. I started laughter demos in while travelling in Chartered Buses for more than a year before my superannuation.

We used to visit Tihar Jail No. 3 in the year 2013 and gave demonstrations of laughter and ‘be happy’ concept to the under trials and prisoners. The Jail authorities got so much enthused that we were given clearance to visit the JAIL complex to create harmony and love amongst the people over there. I feel proud to free those imprisoned souls.

We used to go Vimhans Hospital to help mentally sick persons through laughter.

Now I have been given a responsibility as a Vice President of Delhi Laughter Club.

Laughter for Varishth Nagrik Kesri Club

Being part of this club, I used to do laughter demos there in its branch at Chaukhandi, near Tilak Nagar Delhi. Once Mrs. Kiran Chopra – Co-Chairman of Punjab Kesri and Founder of this Club, saw my program and she was so happy and impressed with laughter concept and requested to visit the 25 branches of Kesri Clubs in Delhi for laughter demos.

I use to go regularly at Punjabi Bagh, Patel Nagar, Paschim Vihar, Model Towl and Rohini Kesri Clubs.

DD Laughter Concept

As a Laughterian I believe that laughter is a dose that can be taken any time anywhere without any side effects. It brings in happy feelings, happy thoughts, happy work life, happy in team activities, happy dreams leading to sound sleep. With the founder member Dr. Madan Kataria and other worthy members and participants Laughter Movement is being taken to international level. The credit goes to none other than Dr. Madan Kataria.

I am also interested to start DD16 concept under Delhi Laughter Club based on our slogan:

Laughter Club is a journey from 60 to Sweet 16..

Be Young and Feel Young through laughter always. You can be young, energetic and lively at any age.  As in our Society, majority of men and women start thinking old after 60/70/80 and as a result stop enjoying life, as it should not be.

‘Laughter’ to me is like Homeopathic Dose, sweet and effective to heal a person without side effects. Each person requires healing from various ailments. In today’s fast paced life stress strain has added pain to our body. The more we allow it to be retained; more it envelops our heart and mind. Laughter has proved to be effective in helping the heart ‘light’. Lightness is the key to Laughter. It also helps in inculcating the habit of being positive and looking the brighter side of everything. Laughter also helps in creating the subtle art of ‘forgiveness’. Which in turn leads us to be ‘being human’ and happy.

My dream is to open my ‘DD16 Laughter Club’ and bring it at international level.

Now taken a responsibility of Secretary – Delhi Laughter Club and they are planning to make me as General Secretary.

Contribution as a Sports Man as a Carom Convener (twice) and as Sports Coordinator in EIL :

I had a passion for Carom and used to play it as a passion. I was a carom convener for so many years and worked consistently to promote carom in EIL and to make our EIL competitive players, I used to help players for practice, play friendly matches and state level tournaments.

Being a Company under the ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Petroleum Sports Control Board used to conduct national level tournaments.  Initially, Carom was not included in PSCB.

With the dedicated efforts of myself and support of Sports EIL Management, Carom was included in the umbrella of PSCB in 1993 and EIL was given an opportunity to host Ist EIL PSCB Carrom Tournament.  I was fully involved in making all arrangements and coordinated with DELHI CAROM ASSOCIATION to conduct this tournament. With this achievement, there was lot of enthusiasm in EIL Carom players. In 1993 I dedicated myself to this game that enabled EIL players to bring trophies for EIL.

Second time, when I was Sports Co-ordinator in 2011-12, EIL was given an opportunity again and I as a part of Management, conducted this tournament at a high level with the help of Delhi Carom Association in the hall of newly constructed sports complex by DDA.  All players of 13-14 companies were very happy with the arrangements.  Players of National and International level were participated and two International players M/s Yogesh Pardeshi and Ms. Rashmi were honoured also.


I used to enjoy trekking as a hobby and passionate to enjoy the natural beauty / sceneries  of hilly areas and details of few contribution is given below:

(i)            Earthquake Trek :Once there was a big earthquake in Uttarakhand region and lot of damages of houses, huts and life of human beings were disturbed. To help affected people there, our Company EIL took an initiative to collect clothes, eatables and purchased blankets/tents for the distribution to affected people in Ghuttoo – Gangi – Deokhri and a team of 10 volunteers was prepared to send all collected and purchased materials in two trucks.

I was also selected due to trekkers as a rescue tea from 31.10.1991 to 12.11.1991.

Our then C&MD – Mr. PK Rudra welcomed all team members with open arms and appreciated our team efforts.

Arranging a lecture of renowned writer and Addl. General Manager, BHEL – Shammi Sukh twice for happy, healthy and effective parenting:

(i)            For the residents of  Ashok Vihar, SFS flats Phase IV around 2010:  It was well appreciated by public and executive committee of SFS flats.

(ii)           A lecture on Positive self talk at Sanatan Dharam Mandir, New Moti Nagar in the end of 2010.

A member of International Naturopathy Organization

I have studied Naturopathy for 2-3 years and was a member of International Naturopathy Organization for 3 years from 2011.  I used to attend monthly meeting cum lecture on naturopathy organized by INO.

An exclusive interview by Ms. Ambika Pandit – Times of India editor during laughter demo at “Celebrating Age India EXPO 2012” on 20.12.2012

The above Senior Citizen forum was inaugurated by Sh. T R Meena, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.  After laughter demo, interview by Ms. Ambika Pandit, she made me an I-con  for Senior Citizen and Hero of the event, this news was published on 21.12.2012 in TOI.

Life Member of Sanjeevini Sunderkand Group, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi.

Got printed 600 posters “Sukhi Rahne ke Upay”, donted 500 posters to Delhi Laughter Club and distributed 100 to known/unknown people.  It was liked, appreciated and people had a regular demand.

Gift motivating books to known/unknown people for the 20 years. I distributed 100 books “You can heal yourself” written by Ms. Loise L. Hay and “Aapki Khushian Aap ke Haath Mai” written by Surinder Nath Saxena in new Laughtarian Classes.

Donated more than 100 booksin 2015 on managerial, psychology, motivational through Prof. Kulvinder Singh to his NGO – ‘Saksham Bharti’, where girls and boys from Weaker Section of Society are helped to improve personality, computer knowledge and English and skill development.

Secretary of Darbar Baba Wadhbagh Singh for 7-8 years:

Being a Religious person, I was a secretary of Darbar Baba Wadnhag Singh Ji Sanstha, 10381, Vikrant Nagar, Bagichi Pirji, Delhi-110007 in 1988.  We used to do lot of seva and arranging all arrangements.  We used to go Himachal with a devotees in two buses for five days every year.  I used to lead the seva jatha there for 7-8 years.

Awards Received:

1.     “Pride of the Country Award”  – a National level award dedicated to Netaji Subhash Chander Bose by  A NGO – Pratima Raksha Samman Samiti, Karnal on 22.01.2016.

2.   Shaan-E-Bharat Awarddedicated to Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev by NGO – Pratima Raksha Samaan Samiti on 20.03.2016.

3.    Felicitated by Sh. Raja Chhabra – Chairman, Delhi RWA Council (West Zone) in Tilak Nagar Girls School for laughter contribution in West Zone.

4.    Felicitated by Dr. Ashok Jhingran at 17th Annual Diabetes Health Mela at Aggarwal Bhavan, East Punjabi Bagh on 27th& 28th Feb. 2016 for Laughter demos.

5.    Felicitated by Dev Anand Fans Forum (Regd.)on  29.05,2016 in their musical evening at India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road by a Memento for laughter contribution.

6.   Senior Citizen Crown Dimamond Honour – 2016 from a NGO – Heritage India on Ist July, 2016

7.   Great India Foundation have selected me for a award Bhagwan Mahaveer Ahinsa Award, award being given on 26th Nov. 2016 in a  award ceremony to be held at Chittaurh, they postponed this award ceremony due to some unavoidable circumstances.

8.   Received Global Diamond Award on 18.12.2016 dedicated to Martyers of Kakori, from Pratima Raksha Samman Samiti (Regd.) Karnal.

9.   Honoured as Laughter Ambassador by Dr. Madan Kataria – Laughter Pioneer and Founder President of Laughter Yoga International as a new year gift in 2017.

Durga Dass
Laughter Ambassador

Vice President – Delhi Laughter Club (Regd.)
MOB No9643993688
59, 3rd floor, Block B7, Sector 4, Rohini, Delhi-110085.

17.08. 2017

“Happiness” is more important than “Smile”, because
“Smile” comes from `Lips’, But “Happiness” comes from “Heart”,
Zindagi ke har pal/har din ko ji bhar jiyo

Durga Dass
Laughrter Ambassador
Vice President – Delhi Laughter Club
Founder President – DD16 Laughter Club
E-mail:- ddlauhter16@gmail.com

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Coverage – Blogger Akanksha SAXENA 

News editor sach ki dastak national magazine varanashi U. P


Sach ki Dastak

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